Indigenous: IMPACT Program

The Indigenous: IMPACT (Incubator Music Program Audio Content Touring) is a pilot mentorship program designed to assist new and emerging Manitoba-based Indigenous artists in their musical careers.  

Successful applicants will be paired with an Indigenous mentor who will guide the artist in completing the goals specified in their submitted application such as content creation, recording, video production, live concerts or promotion of a new or recent release. The artist will develop a better understanding of the music business, related funding programs and further develop their music career.

Program deadline:

  • January 30, 2025

Apply Now

Guidelines for applicants for the Indigenous: IMPACT program


The Indigenous: IMPACT (Incubator Music Program, Audio, Content, Touring) pilot program is designed to assist new and emerging Manitoba-based Indigenous artists with all aspects related to recording, content creation, video production, live concerts or touring as well as marketing or promotion of a new or recently released recording.

Applicants will be paired with an Indigenous mentor to assist with completing the project goals as laid out in the application form and submitting any final reporting requirements to Manitoba Film & Music.

As an outcome of the program, and working with the mentor, the artist will also create a registered business name and register with Manitoba Film & Music’s online application portal.

Application deadline: Applications must be received by 5 p.m. on January 30, 2025 to be eligible.

Google form application: Manitoba Film & Music will only accept applications through the program’s Google application form.

Application requirements: All applicants must include a proposal detailing the project and what they would like to achieve, such as releasing a new recording, making a music video, touring/performing a concert, musical equipment purchase or marketing a new or current release.

Applicants must also submit a completed application form including a link to a musical recording. The song could be a voice note, video, or professional recording.

Applicants may only submit one application to this program per deadline.

Manitoba Film & Music investment: Manitoba Film & Music’s financial participation is a grant, which may be up to 100% of the total eligible costs to a maximum of $5,000 per application. Final funding awarded will be set once Manitoba Film & Music receives the project budget (which will be completed with the assistance of the mentor).

Program Requirements for Applicants

Eligible applicants: The applicant must be a Manitoba resident and identify as Indigenous. In the case of bands or musical groups (including partnerships and corporations), a minimum of 50% of the permanent band or group members must be Manitoba residents and identify as Indigenous.

In addition, the applicant must have:

  • performed one live public performance;
  • been acknowledged in their community or by industry for their musical ability (e.g., won alocal singing contest, local public performances, a festival performance, virtual performances, etc.); and
  • created a recording that is available publicly (e.g., YouTube, SoundCloud, streaming service, shareable file, etc.).

Applicants must not have previously been funded by Manitoba Film & Music’s music programs.

Manitoba residency requirement: A Manitoba resident is defined as an individual who is legally entitled to be and remain in Canada and is currently a resident of Manitoba for not less than three hundred and sixty-five (365) days prior to the date of application to Manitoba Film & Music.

Minimum age: Please be advised that the minimum age for application to Manitoba Film & Music’s programs is 18 years of age. In situations where the artist does not meet the minimum age requirement, a parent or legal guardian may apply on their behalf, providing they agree to the terms and conditions provided in the program guidelines and contract.

First-time applicants: To allow Manitoba Film & Music to help create the best application possible, please set up a one-on-one consultation with the music department to ensure an understanding of the program requirements. Please contact the Music Programs Coordinator prior to applying.

Currency: All monies indicated are in Canadian dollars.

Respectful workplace: Any applicant seeking funding from Manitoba Film & Music shall maintain the principles of an inclusive and respectful workplace, which includes taking every reasonable step to: (i) cultivate a respectful, inclusive and supportive work culture by promoting awareness and education regarding the prevention of harassment; (ii) provide a safe mechanism for the reporting of incidents or allegations of harassment or inappropriate behavior, while supporting and protecting complainants and victims; and (iii) take action to identify and eliminate workplace harassment in a timely manner. Any applicant found to be in breach of the terms noted above will have any funding awarded revoked and will not be allowed to participate in Manitoba Film & Music-funded programs.

Recording Criteria

If the applicant is applying to record music, the artist must deliver the completed recording within six months of receipt of the letter of commitment to Manitoba Film & Music. The recordings will need to be completed with the participation of an accredited recording service. The full list of accredited recording services is available here.

Marketing and video current release window: If the applicant is seeking marketing and video support for an existing recording, the initiatives must support a commercially released single, EP or full-length album that is widely available on all major digital music platforms. If applying for marketing or video funding for unreleased recordings, the application cannot be received more than six months prior to the release date. If applying for marketing or videos for recordings that are already released, the application must be received within two years of the recording’s release date in Canada.

Music video production rules: If the applicant is applying for music video creation, the production of the video is required to happen in Manitoba. Costs incurred outside of Manitoba are not eligible.

Content creation: Content creation for social media can be produced out-of-province. Long-form video content creation such as documentaries are not eligible for this program.

Live concert funding: Funding can be used for touring or for live concert production.

Project completion deadline: Applicants will have six months from Manitoba Film & Music’s letter of commitment to complete the project laid out in their proposal and deliver the final report and related materials.

Adjudication: The program will be adjudicated by a panel of Indigenous artists and industry.

Mentor role and responsibilities: Manitoba Film & Music will provide an experienced Indigenous mentor to support the applicant. The mentor will aid in professionalizing the project, connecting the artist with relevant industry, registering and submitting materials to the Manitoba Film & Music online application portal and working with the applicant to create a registered business name. The mentor will also aid in the budgeting and reporting process for the project. Mentors will be available for weekly meetings, either in person or virtual, with the artist for a total of eight meetings/consultations. The mentor will be available for email correspondence throughout the project as needed.

The artist is responsible for completing the project and providing Manitoba Film & Music with the final report. The mentor is not responsible for any costs or liabilities that may be incurred by the artist for the project.

Eligible Expenses

Eligible expenses: Eligible project expenses include any costs related to recording, marketing, video and content creation, tour/travel costs for performances, compensation for Elders consulted and artist fees for recording or being in a music video. Music equipment purchases are also eligible to a maximum of 50% of the total application budget. The cost of registering the business with the Manitoba Companies Office is an eligible expense. A registered business or a business bank account is not required to apply.

Any expenses incurred more than 30 days before the application is submitted will not be accepted.

Budget: If approved by the juries, the mentor will aid the artist in budgeting the project. Manitoba Film & Music will provide a template for the artist and mentor to use. The project’s budget will be required to be submitted to Manitoba Film & Music within two weeks of the approval notice.

In-house and related party costs: In-house costs are not accepted as eligible expenses. Applicants must disclose all related party and non-arm’s-length transactions in the submitted budget. Related party costs are only accepted if the person has a professional track record in the field of the service being delivered and has a registered business or corporation. Related party expenses are accepted at the discretion of Manitoba Film & Music staff and only if Manitoba Film & Music can establish fair market value for the service being delivered. Related parties must be declared on the application form.

An example of an in-house cost: The artist or a band member doing their own graphic design. That would not be an eligible cost.

An example of a related party expense: Seeking to hire a spouse or immediate family member (e.g. sibling/parent) to provide a service on the project such as working as the photographer. This expense is only allowed if the person has a professional track record and a registered business or corporation associated with that service.

Per diems and artist fees: These costs are only eligible as part of a recording and/or video component. They can be paid in cash and submitted for cost reporting purposes on a single receipt per person, for the full amounts paid. Receipts must be signed by each individual claiming the per diem and artist fee. Artist fees are capped at $300 per musician per day, and can be paid, donated or a combination of the two. Allowable per diem rates are $45 per day. Manitoba Film & Music will supply an artist services invoice template.

Donated investment: Donated investment will be recognized as an eligible cost, as long as it is supported by an invoice for services. Manitoba Film & Music will recognize up to a maximum of 25% of the final accepted total costs of the project as donated investment.

Administrative fee: An administrative fee is recognized as an eligible cost. Manitoba Film & Music will recognize up to a maximum of 15% of the final accepted total costs of the project or $1500, whichever is less, as the administrative fee.

Financial Participation

Payments and advances: The disbursement will be as follows:

  • 80% of Manitoba Film & Music’s commitment amount upon the signing of its funding agreement; and
  • 20% upon the submission and review by staff of the final report for the project.

Funding contributions: Applicants must disclose all other sources of financial assistance for the project in the budget created with the mentor. Manitoba Film & Music’s contribution to the project combined with any other funding, including government or terrestrial radio funding programs, cannot exceed 100% of the total eligible budget.

Manitoba Film & Music credit and logo: Manitoba Film & Music’s logo must be placed on all marketing, video (where production credits are displayed) and promotional materials produced for this project as credit for funding. A link to any content or videos produced with the program funds must be submitted with the final reporting documents. Please refer to the resources section of the website for print-ready graphics.

Approvals: Approval of all applications is at the discretion of Manitoba Film & Music. Manitoba Film & Music may impose modifications to the budget submitted.

Project changes: It is the applicant’s responsibility to inform Manitoba Film & Music of any changes to the original project.

Final Reporting

Completion report requirement: Applicants, with assistance from the mentor, are required to deliver a final report, including a list of initiatives undertaken, outcomes as part of the grant, and submission of any recordings created to Manitoba Film & Music. It should include a final project budget using the budget template provided.

Final reports must be submitted via Manitoba Film & Music’s online application portal. Links to any media funded for the project must be included with the final report.

Copies of the recording must be submitted to our online Disco music library.

Cost report: Artist fees are only accepted on Manitoba Film & Music’s supplied artist services invoice template. Please use the original budget form to track expenses for the project. Applicants must keep invoices/receipts directly related to the project, as well as their corresponding proof of payment. Once Manitoba Film & Music has reviewed the cost report, the expenses will be subject to a spot audit. Manitoba Film & Music will require copies of the receipts in question and corresponding proof of payments selected for the spot audit.

Verification of services: If deemed necessary, Manitoba Film & Music will perform a test of invoices, and this shall include contacting suppliers and/or payees for verification of submitted invoices and costs.

Manitoba Film & Music reserves the right to review and amend the Indigenous: IMPACT program guidelines at any time.

All required forms are available on the Manitoba Film & Music website under Music Programs.

Please contact the Music Programs Coordinator if you have any questions about these guidelines or other details of this program.


Program Guidelines

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