Key Contacts

Local unions and guilds

Directors Guild of Canada–Manitoba District Council

The DGC is a national labour organization representing key creative and logistical personnel in the film and television industry. DGC Manitoba has a pool of more than 200 members and 250 permittees.

Steven Foster, Business Agent
(204) 940 4301

IATSE Local 856

Motion picture technicians' union covering art, animal wranglers, caterers, construction, costume, craft services, extras casting, first aid/craft services, greens, grips, hair, lighting, makeup, paint, picture vehicles, props, script supervisors, security, set decorators, sound, SPFX and transportation. IATSE 856 has a pool of more than 650 local artists, crafts people and technicians, which includes 543 members and 964 permittees.

Monique Perro, Business Agent
(204) 953 1105

ICG 669—International Cinematographers Guild

The International Cinematographers Guild, IATSE Local 669, represents over 1100 members throughout Western Canada, of which 66 are Manitoba-based, working as directors of photography, camera operators, camera assistants, digital technicians, stills photographers, remote camera systems, camera trainees, and unit publicity. Its members are local skilled and talented individuals, including award-winning and internationally recognized photographers and cinematographers working in the film and television industry.

Robert Rowan, Prairies Business Agent
(204) 792 5332

ACTRA Manitoba

ACTRA is a national labour organization representing performers in the film, television and radio industry. ACTRA Manitoba has a pool of over 700 member performers encompassing actors, singers, dancers, choreographers, stunt coordinators, stunt performers and puppeteers.
Permittees are in addition to members.

Rea Kavanagh, Branch Representative
(204) 339 9750

Government representatives


Kenny Boyce

Manager, Film and Special Events
City of Winnipeg Film and Special Events Office
(204) 986 3058

Shelly Anthis

Film Liaison, City of Winnipeg Film and Special Events Office
(204) 986 2138


Jocelyn Mitchell

Senior Policy Analyst, Creative Industries and Film Liaison
Culture and Heritage Policy Branch
Manitoba Sport, Culture, Heritage and Tourism
(204) 583 3532